
სიყვარულის პროგნოზი

Love Forecast / 오늘의 연애
სიყვარულის პროგნოზი
2023 2სთ 1წთ HD 6.2
რეჟისორი: Park Jin Pyo
ნახვები: 2 500-ჯერ

Whenever elementary school teacher Kang Joon-soo falls in love, he always gives too much of himself to the relationship. Yet despite that, he ends up being the one getting dumped by his girlfriends. Joon-soo has been friends for 18 years with Kim Hyun-woo, a weather forecaster whose beauty belies her witty tongue and aggressive manner.

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sopana 17 მარტი 2024 20:13
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